Civil Wedding

Typically the most popular form of wedding ceremony abroad is the civil one. It is a very short ceremony performed by the mayor or the registrar of the closest town hall to the wedding location. The civil ceremony in Crete lasts about five to ten minutes and can be held either indoor or outdoor in authorized locations. So, if you’ve something in mind, it’s worth discussing it with our wedding planner, who’ll help you find out whether it’s possible to have your wedding ceremony there.

You can customize the wedding ceremony by expressing your own personal vows to one another or by having some good friends or family members perform a reading. The certification is legally binding all over the world and it has nothing to do with any religious beliefs.

For a Civil Wedding in Greece specific Legal Documents are required. Start collecting those 3 months prior to your wedding.

All the Legal Documents must be certified as original copies by an Apostille Stamp
Legal Documents (including their apostilles) must be e-mailed to us at least 4 weeks prior to the wedding in order to be checked and translated by a Greek authorized translator. Documents translated at your country are not accepted.
The original documents shall be given to us during our pre-wedding meeting on Crete. Without the originals, a legal civil wedding cannot be performed. Documents will be kept by the local Town Hall 1-2   working days after your Wedding, you have to visit Registrar’s office in order to sign the final document and get your Greek Marriage Certificate.